
Education, treatment and management for patients with IBD.

Analysing the pressure your oesophagus creates when you swallow.

An analysis of the acid and non-acid reflux events over a 24hr period.

Breath sample analysis to determine sugar malabsorption / intolerance and the presence of bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel.

A small camera which, when swallowed, records images of its journey through the diegestive tract.

An analysis of the acid and non-acid reflux events over a 48-96 hour period, using a wireless capsule.

Intravenous iron infusion (Ferinject) to increase iron stores quickly.

Involves the removal of blood from the body for a genetic condition known as Haemochromatosis.

General information for patients: 

  • A minimum of 24 hours’ notice is required for any appointment cancellation.
  • Please bring your Medicare card with you.
  • There will be an out of pocket cost for your procedure, which is payable on the day.
  • It is important for you to bring the referral letter with you to your appointment.
  • Patients must follow all required preparation instructions.
  • Sedation is not required and you are able to drive to/from your appointment. (excluding the BRAVO pH study, which requires admission to the Cabrini Day Procedure Centre)